Fred Games Apps

重裝機兵 Metal Max Reload! 1.1.2
Fred Games
遊戲背景:★西元3078年,人類文明一度達到了空前的繁榮,社會穩定、犯罪率歸0,迎來了被人們稱之為“永恆伊甸”的高度人工智慧時代,同期《人類引導計畫》啟動,旨在決定未來人類進化與發展的方向。★西元3080年,不明原因造成核戰爆發,社會體系崩潰,戰爭中的生態環境遭受到了巨大的破壞,核污染使生物發生了恐怖的變異,人類文明瀕臨崩潰的邊緣。★西元3081年,名為“造夢者(DREAMERS)”的公司宣稱致力於災後對世界的恢復重建,並成功研製出了超級人工智慧電腦“諾亞”,在“諾亞”的協助下,殘存的人類分散在世界各地,開始在極端艱難的環境中重建家園。★西元3083年,“諾亞”的倖存者保護主動防禦系統遭到不明生物性入侵,剛建立的倖存者生存地岌岌可危,各地的賞金獵人拿起塵封中的戰車等武器防禦洶湧攻擊而來的變異生物。1個月後,“諾亞”的製造者“奧利奧•雷•霍金森”博士宣佈系統恢復正常,危機已經解除,然而此後的一個星期“造夢者(DREAMERS)”公司全部人員暴斃,原因不明。“諾亞”繼續運作,變異生物開始變得狂躁,瘋狂的攻擊僅存的人類。值此末日,人類究竟何去何從?答案就在這些賞金英雄身上!遊戲特色:★【金礦系統】 獲得金幣極可能翻倍,最高十倍獎勵!多點多得!麻麻再也不用擔心我沒零用錢啦!★ 【試煉戰場】 跨過層層挑戰,即可收穫大量金幣經驗及戰車部件。披荊斬棘,乘風破浪,贏得豐厚獎勵!★ 【即時戰鬥】技能在戰鬥中即時觸發,點擊螢幕觸發角色必殺技,轟殺至渣!★ 【幸運轉盤】每日各種免費抽大獎,hold住你的下巴,no pains, you gain!★ 【戰車強化】多部件自由改裝升級,多類型,全配置的高等戰車由你打造!★ 【好友+公會】你不是一個人在戰鬥!副本遇到麻煩?可立即邀請好友助戰!更有激烈酣暢的公會戰爭!官網地址:粉絲頁地址 :聯絡客服 : background:★ AD 3078 years of human civilization once reached unprecedentedprosperity, social stability, crime rates go 0, ushered in bypeople called "Eternal Eden" in height AI era, the same period"Human Boot Project" started, designed to determine the futuredirection of human evolution and development.★ 3080 years BC, of ​​unknown causes outbreak of nuclear war, thecollapse of the social system, war suffered enormous ecologicaldestruction, nuclear pollution is the cause of terror biologicalvariation occurs, human civilization on the verge ofcollapse.Company ★ AD 3081 under the name "dreamer (DREAMERS)" claim thatthe world is committed to post-disaster reconstruction andsuccessfully developed a super computer AI "Noah" with the help of"Noah" and remnants of humanity scattered around the world, beganto rebuild their homes in extremely difficult conditions.★ AD 3083, "Noah" active defense system to protect survivors wasunknown biological invasion, survivors newly established survivalto precarious bounty hunter to pick up over the dusty tanks andother weapons in the surging attack from defense biologicalvariation. A month later, Dr. "Noah" maker "Oreo • Ray •Hodgkinson" declaration system back to normal, the crisis has beenlifted, but the next one week, "Dreamer (DREAMERS)" Companies ofall personnel died suddenly for unknown reasons. "Noah" continue tooperate, biological variation became manic, crazy attacks remaininghumans.At this end, the human really go from here? The answer lies inthose who heroic bounty!Game Features:★ [GOLD System] get gold is likely to double, the highest award tentimes! Get more points! Ma Ma no longer have to worry aboutspending money I did it!★ [Trial] across the layers of the battlefield challenges, you cangain a lot of experience and gold chariot parts. Overcoming allobstacles, the wind and waves, to reap rich rewards!★] [real-time combat skills immediate trigger in combat, click onthe screen to trigger the role of nirvana, blown to slag!★ [] daily variety of free wheel of fortune never want, hold liveyour chin, no pains, you gain!★] [chariot strengthen multi-component free retrofit upgrade,multi-type, higher chariot fully configured by you to create!★ [Association of Friends +] You're not alone in the battle! A copyof the trouble? Invite a friend to assist in the work immediately!Hearty more intense guild wars!Official website address: page address: https: // Customer Service: http: //
Adventure Of Arthur 1.0.2
Fred Games
AOA is a classic idle RPG game loosely basedon the story of King Arthur, whose adventure is mapped out in manyzones that dish out challenges and rewards in equal measure.Unlike the usual ones, AOA’s visuals are impressive and playoptions are abundant and you can actually interact with otherplayers via in-game chat, troop contest and arena battles!Exciting features about AOA:√ The Auto-Battle System: your knights can fight automatically evenyou are off-line, and bring you amazing gifts when you comeback!√ Well-Balanced Job Class: You can play the role of Knight, Rangerand Wizard, their skills and weakness are well-balanced!√ Unique AIDE System: When your character’s level reached 15, youwill have your first aide; your aides will help you a lot duringthe fighting. Don’t forget to train them and equip them withpowerful equipments!√ The Special Forge System: Forge the useless equipments to getequipments with higher quality or FP (can be used for S.Make to getDivine equipments), and auto-forge function is availablehere!√ Arena for Great Honor: the system will find comparable playersfor you to climb to the top of Arena Ranking faster; you can alsoexchange various gifts with your honor here!√ The Exciting Drill System: Join the Drill to get the GemBags& plenty Coins then tap the Gem on your heroes’ equipmentsto enhance your character’s power!√ The multi-function League: you can hunt for Titan, join theLeague War, Exchange gifts with your credits and get rewards fromCheck here!√ Powerful Chat System: World Chat and League Chat are waiting foryou!CONTACT USFanpage: Website:
銀河戰姬 1.0.9
Fred Games
整款遊戲在畫面上採用了高動態3D渲染,人物模型精緻鮮明,場景方面則表現出了4K級超清視覺感受;在戰鬥方面,遊戲有別於傳統回合制RPG卡牌手遊,獨創特色探索式位面副本,以女神助陣戰鬥為核心玩法,利用超擬真動態走位元營造出至炫打擊感,加上策略式排兵佈陣的玩法必將開啟3D手遊的新時代!遊戲背景:在奧利匹斯神族與泰坦神族爆發的奪權之戰中,傳說中的奧利匹斯眾神,被泰坦奪去了不朽靈魂而被封印為一尊尊雕像,眼看要被消滅。在這間不容髮之時,玩家化身而成末日神族,將在戰爭女神雅典娜的召喚下蘇醒過來,成長為救世主。找回被克羅洛斯封印的神力,重振奧利匹斯神族的輝煌!遊戲特色:☆畫面精緻,橫軸3D 體感聯動!晃動下手機,你就會看到不一樣的風景!☆戰鬥激烈,縱享電影視角!即時觸發技能,大招怒放特寫,臨場感極強!☆探索性場景,步步驚心!戰棋型副本結構+隨機事件,不去嘗試,你永遠不會知道下一步會有什麼!☆玩法過於多樣,女神強化,裝備打造,成就達成,英雄佈陣,試煉之門等一系列完備系統,讓人目眩神迷,根本停不下來!☆操作便捷,上手迅速。大音希聲,大繁至簡,豐富絢麗的遊戲內容,通過最簡單的點選操作即可實現!更多精彩,還請到遊戲內實際體驗!快快下載遊玩,感受真.3D遊戲帶來的視覺盛宴吧!The entire game on thescreen with a high dynamic 3D rendering, sophisticated charactermodels distinctive aspects of the scene showed a 4K Ultra clearvisual experience; in battle, the game is different from thetraditional turn-based RPG card hand travel, unique characteristicsExploratory surface copies bits to the goddess to help fight forthe core gameplay, utilizing ultra realistic dynamics go to dazzlebit to create a sense of combat, coupled with policy-typeformations play will open a new era of 3D hand travel!Game background:In the takeover battle with the Titans Orly Olympus Protoss Protossoutbreak, the legendary gods of Olympus Ollie was killed Titansimmortal soul was sealed as a statue of the statue, she looks to bedestroyed. In this hairbreadth, the avatar from the end of theProtoss, will wake up in a war goddess Athena summon grow as asavior. Crowe is back in Los divine seal, revive Ollie OlympusProtoss brilliant!Game Features:☆ exquisite picture, the horizontal axis 3D somatosensoryinteraction! Shaking the phone, you will see a differentview!☆ fierce fighting, the vertical viewing angle to enjoy the movie!Immediate trigger skills, the big move in full bloom close-up, astrong presence!☆ exploratory scenarios, step by step startling! SLG-type copy ofthe structures + random events, do not try, you never know what thenext step!☆ play too diverse, the goddess of reinforcement and equipment tobuild, achievements reached, the hero lineup, and a series oftrials of the complete door systems, people blinking, do notstop!☆ convenient operation, to get started quickly. Great Music, Greatcomplex to simple, beautiful rich game content, through the mostsimple click operation can be realized!More exciting, but also go to the actual experience within thegame! Quickly download play, feeling really .3D game to bring thevisual feast it!
Magic Stone:Ale Knights 0.9.1
Fred Games
Game Features★Easy game play and control;★Stunning visuals against an expansive map;★Complementary character classes & skills;★Varied and suitably challenging quests;★Rewarding instances and Boss fights;★Ultimate player-controlled battle formations;★Rewarding AI gaming for offline loots!Play Magic Stone NOW for the magical gaming fun and all the FREEGold and Gem!For more information,please visit:Official website: Fan Page:
Fred Games
親愛的玩家:由於Facebook官方升級API,需要您到商城中下載我們的新應用【刀塔西遊:三界至尊】,老應用【刀塔西遊】的數據都在新應用中,給您帶來不便請諒解!如果您更新的時候遇到閃退的情況,請下載新應用【刀塔西遊:三界至尊】!!下載地址:群組:wangyinbiao521【遊戲介紹】《刀塔西遊》是2015年戰鬥卡牌的扛鼎之作!其獨特的掌中微操系統,大招技能瞬時釋放,給妳前所未有的戰鬥體驗!還有技能打斷、技能組合等高階玩法,全面超越傳統卡牌體驗。戰鬥中,英雄表情栩栩如生,Q版英雄收集樂趣無窮!告別無腦等待,增強互動體驗,全新超炫戰鬥技能演繹指尖大招,掀起第三代手遊新紀元。【遊戲特色】1)Q版呆萌的神將,高清畫面勁爆酷炫,給人前所未有的流暢感,和傳統卡牌純靜態牌面相比,生動程度迥然不同。2)戰鬥過程中玩家可以手動放大招,神將釋放的酷炫大招,動感效果充滿螢幕,令其他所有神將瞬間黯然失色。3)多重副本可供選擇:西行之路,大鬧天宮,鬥仙臺,仙果園,試煉塔等都值得玩家體驗。【推薦配置】支持設備:三星、HTC、Sony、小米等品牌和機型操作系統:Android 2.2及以上內存配置:建議1G以上存儲空間:推薦預留500MB剩餘空間粉絲專頁:客服郵箱:[email protected]官網: www.xixigames.comWeChat公眾賬號:XiXiGames_WeChatDear players:Because Facebook official upgrade API, you need to download ournewstore applications [knife Tacitus Tour: Three Realms Supreme],theold application [knife] Tacitus travel data in new applicationsforthe inconvenience, please understand!If you update your flash back when it came to the case,pleasedownload the new application [knife Tacitus Tour: ThreeRealmsSupreme]! !Download: https: // Group: wangyinbiao521[Game Description]"Knife Tacitus Tour" is 2015 carry the tripod fight card in!Itsunique hands micromanagement system, a large moveinstantaneousrelease skills, to fight u ever experience! Thereinterruptedskills, skill mix and other higher-order play, beyondthetraditional card experience. Battle, hero look lifelike, Qversionof the hero collecting fun! Farewell to wait no brain,enhance theinteractive experience, a new interpretation of fightingskillsfingertips stunning big move set off a new era of thirdgenerationmobile games.[Game Features]1) Q version Meng spent god, the world's best high-definitionscreencool, giving an unprecedented sense of smooth, pure staticandtraditional cards Cards compared vivid extent different.2) the process of fighting in which players can manually zoomtrick,God will release the cool big move, full-screen dynamiceffect, sothat all other gods will instantly eclipsed.3) Multiple copies are available: westbound road, Havoc,fightingSendai, Sin orchard tower so worthy players to experiencethetrials.[Recommended]Support devices: Samsung, HTC, Sony, millet and other brandsandmodelsOperating System: Android 2.2 and aboveMemory configuration: 1G above proposalStorage space: 500MB recommended to reserve free spaceFan page:https:?// bookmarksCustomer Service Email: [email protected] official website: www.xixigames.comWeChat public account: XiXiGames_WeChat
Fred Games
Line群組:wangyinbiao521粉絲專頁 dotaxy客服郵箱:[email protected]【遊戲介紹】《刀塔西遊》是2015年戰鬥卡牌的扛鼎之作!其獨特的掌中微操系統,大招技能瞬時釋放,給妳前所未有的戰鬥體驗!還有技能打斷、技能組合等高階玩法,全面超越傳統卡牌體驗。戰鬥中,英雄表情栩栩如生,Q版英雄收集樂趣無窮!告別無腦等待,增強互動體驗,全新超炫戰鬥技能演繹指尖大招,掀起第三代手遊新紀元。【遊戲特色】1)Q版呆萌的神將,高清畫面勁爆酷炫,給人前所未有的流暢感,和傳統卡牌純靜態牌面相比,生動程度迥然不同。2)戰鬥過程中玩家可以手動放大招,神將釋放的酷炫大招,動感效果充滿螢幕,令其他所有神將瞬間黯然失色。3)多重副本可供選擇:西行之路,大鬧天宮,鬥仙臺,仙果園,試煉塔等都值得玩家體驗。【推薦配置】支持設備:三星、HTC、Sony、小米等品牌和機型 操作系統:Android 2.2及以上 內存配置:建議1G以上存儲空間:推薦預留500MB剩餘空間【刀塔西遊】運營團隊粉絲專頁 dotaxy客服郵箱:[email protected]遊戲官网:ko.xixigames.comXiXiGames官網: www.xixigames.comWeChat公眾賬號:XiXiGames_WeChatLineGroup:wangyinbiao521Fan page: dotaxyCustomer Service Email: [email protected][Game Description]"Knife Tacitus Tour" is 2015 carry the tripod fight card in!Itsunique hands micromanagement system, a large moveinstantaneousrelease skills, to fight u ever experience! Thereinterruptedskills, skill mix and other higher-order play, beyondthetraditional card experience. Battle, hero look lifelike, Qversionof the hero collecting fun! Farewell to wait no brain,enhance theinteractive experience, a new interpretation of fightingskillsfingertips stunning big move set off a new era of thirdgenerationmobile games.[Game Features]1) Q version Meng spent god, the world's best high-definitionscreencool, giving an unprecedented sense of smooth, pure staticandtraditional cards Cards compared vivid extent different.2) the process of fighting in which players can manually zoomtrick,God will release the cool big move, full-screen dynamiceffect, sothat all other gods will instantly eclipsed.3) Multiple copies are available: westbound road, Havoc,fightingSendai, Sin orchard tower so worthy players to experiencethetrials.[Recommended]Support devices: Samsung, HTC, Sony, millet and other brandsandmodelsOperating System: Android 2.2 and aboveMemory configuration: 1G above proposalStorage space: 500MB recommended to reserve free space[Knife] Tacitus tour operations teamFan page: dotaxyCustomer Service Email: [email protected] game's official website: ko.xixigames.comXiXiGames official website: www.xixigames.comWeChat public account: XiXiGames_WeChat
三國Q傳:一擊の勝負 2.0.3
Fred Games
《三國Q傳:一擊の勝負》是壹款以三國為時代背景的全新卡牌類手機遊戲。與其它卡牌遊戲繁復的戰鬥不同,三國Q傳主打輕松、清爽的“壹擊勝負”概念,從眾多休閑類卡牌遊戲同類產品中脫穎而出。東漢末年,權臣弄政,災禍連連,民不聊生。隨著黃巾起義的爆發,延綿近壹百年的波瀾壯闊的三國時代就此展開。玩家置身於如此環境內,就是化身為征逐天下的諸侯,招募武將以強壯自身實力,為平定天下、造福蒼生做出奮鬥!玩家不僅可以通過副本了解三國的故事,通過合理的排兵布陣獲取戰鬥勝利,更有龍魂、競技、天下霸戰、宿命等豐富的功能活動。2015/1/15~2015/2/15新註冊下載【三國Q傳:一擊の勝負】並留下五星級評價,新手玩家即可獲得500元寶壹次;推薦人每推薦壹人可獲得200元寶。STEP1:評價請打五顆星STEP2:標題請寫:新手玩家角色、服務器名稱(例如:呂布,服務器:桃園結義)STEP3:評論請寫:遊戲心得及推薦人角色、服務器名稱(如果有推薦人,例如:關羽哥,服務器:桃園結義)新玩家獎勵:只要評價打五顆星並留下角色及服務器名稱,即可獲得500元寶壹次。老玩家獎勵:每推薦壹個人,即可獲得200元寶,如推薦5個人,即可獲得1000元寶。【特色玩法】★神將收集三國英雄風雲齊聚,最強組合稱霸天下。波瀾壯闊的三國時代的開啟,與四個人有密切的關系,而這四個人,就是《最強武將傳》的主將:劉備、孫權、曹操、貂蟬。在眾多遊戲模式中,關於主將的選擇除了形象不同外不會對後期發展造成太大影響,不過《最強武將傳》中武將與武將之間有註定的宿命關系,壹同出戰將對戰鬥力有顯著提升,所以主將的確定將明確團隊未來的發展路線。因此對於主將的選擇可以說也是壹個考驗,當然玩家們也將獲得更多的策略競技樂趣。★經典戰役等妳挑戰玩家可以通過遊戲副本夢回三國,征戰沙場,與三國名人共榮辱。★武將專屬裝備探索屬於武將的專屬武器,將會大幅度提升能力哦。★五行系統戰鬥中我們加入了五行系統,如何合理運用武將屬性,利用相生相克完成壹場本不可能取得的勝利,盡請您親自體驗。★龍魂系統龍生九子,子子不同。遊戲中,九條真龍可為您的武將大幅度增強能力。★更多系統盡請探索我們為您提供了競技、天下霸戰、七星燈等多重玩法,更有節日特殊玩法等待您去體驗。"Three Q Biography:Thereare a hit victory" is one paragraph in the Three Kingdomserabackground for new card type mobile games. And othercomplicatedcard game battle is different, the three main relaxed Qbiography,refreshing "One strike victory" concept, stand out frommany casualcard game similar products. Eastern Han Dynasty, QuanChen getgovernance, disaster again and again, times of hardship.With theoutbreak of the Yellow Turbans, stretches nearly onehundred yearsof the Three Kingdoms era of magnificent begins.Players being insuch a setting, is the embodiment of the levy bythe world ofprinces, generals to recruit strong own power, put downthe worldfor the benefit of the common people struggle to make!Players cannot only understand by a copy of the story of the ThreeKingdoms,obtain victory in battle formations reasonable, moreDragon Soul,athletics, the world tyrants war, the fate of otherrich featuresactivities.2015/1/15 ~ 2015/2/15 [Three new registration downloadbiographyQ: There are a hit and leave the outcome of] five-starrating,novice players can get 500 gold one time; RecommendedRecommendedevery one person available 200 ingot.STEP1: evaluation please call five starsSTEP2: Title please write: novice player characters, the servername(eg: Riboud, Server: Peach)STEP3: Comments please write: Recommended game experience androle,the server name (if there is one recommendation, forexample:brother Guan Yu, the server: Peach)New Player Bonus: As long as the evaluation of five stars andleavea role to play and the server name, you can get 500 goldonetimes.Old players reward: One recommendation per person, you can get200gold, as recommended by five people, you can get 1000 gold.[Features] play★ God will gatherThree heroes FY gathered, the strongest combination to dominatetheworld. Magnificent open three times, has a close relationshipwiththe four individuals, but these four individuals, is the"mostpowerful generals Biography" of the Lord: Liu Bei, Sun Quan,CaoCao, Diao Chan. Among the many game modes and choosedifferentimages in addition to commanding the outside will notcause toomuch impact on the later development, but there is therelationshipbetween the doomed fate of the "strongest generalsBiography"generals and generals, one with play will have asignificant combatupgrade, so the Lord will clear the team todetermine the futuredevelopment path. Therefore, the choice can besaid for the Lord isOne a test, of course, the players will getmore competitive funstrategy.★ classic battle Dengni challengeDreaming through the game players can copy the three, swords, andatotal of three celebrity Honor.★ generals exclusive equipmentExplore the exclusive weapons are generals, will greatly enhancetheability oh.★ Five SystemsThe battle system we added five elements, how to use thegeneralsproperty, use allelopathy complete victory this can not beachievedin one field, do you personally experience.★ Dragon Soul SystemLong nine sons, sub-sub is different. Game, nine real dragoncangreatly enhance the ability of your generals.★ Please do explore more systemsWe provide you with the competitive, world war tyrants, sevenlamps,and other multi-play, play more holiday special waiting foryou toexperience.
三國Q傳 2.0.1
Fred Games
■《三國Q傳》系統介紹■◇武將介紹:三國武將,出兵征戰的收復天下必不可少!◇武將強化:可以讓您的武將更加生猛無敵!!◇潛力訓練:通過嗑藥(大力丸) 提升您的武將潛在能力!◇屬性轉換:以五行相剋為基礎。我就是你的剋星!!◇武將合成:4星及以上的武將合成猛將或者將神.讓您征戰更加輕鬆!!◇武將進化&分解:武將分解,獲得進化所需要的材料《將魂》。◇裝備基礎介紹:裝備分為武器和防具兩種;可隨時強化,您的攻防猛不猛全靠它哦!◇寶石系統:在《精工坊》可將合成鑲嵌寶石,寶石相助,如虎添翼!!◇競技場:有了它再也不用擔心沒有大力丸!!!◇掠奪:搶啊!!殺呀!!哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈~~~~~~。◇試煉:您擅長攻擊還是防守,盡在這裡體現!!◇天下霸佔:想要呂布和趙雲嗎?那就來這裡吧。◇建築介紹:蓋房子,蓋房子,還是蓋房子,蓋房子有錢賺,有活力領,有……….
圓桌騎士傳 1.0.3
Fred Games
《圓桌騎士傳》是一款以西方傳奇——亞瑟王傳說為題材的經典放置類RPG遊戲!專為懶人打造的遊戲,擁有超乎想像的簡單玩法!眾多能詳的冒險地圖和BOSS,驚豔全服的裝備,帶你進入亞瑟王的傳奇人生!在這裡,你可以選擇強大的英雄,帶上你忠心的侍從去探索驚心動魄的冒險世界,搜尋遠古遺跡中的神器!在這裡,你和你的公會兄弟共同激起怒潮,為榮耀而戰!你的旅程即將開始。【遊戲特色】:1.離線掛機系統:從創建角色開始,玩家角色將不停地刷圖過BOSS,即使玩家下線退出遊戲仍會自動戰鬥,當玩家再次登錄遊戲後會獲得這段時間內的所有收益。對,你沒有看錯,就是如此神奇如此誘人!2.經典職業選擇和靈活技能搭配:騎士、遊俠、巫師,這些職業每個都有特殊的戰鬥技巧,通過自由搭配技能使你的英雄實現不同戰鬥風格,善於利用你的搭配技巧,下一個王者就是你!3.獨特裝備熔煉系統:將不需要的裝備扔進熔爐進行熔煉,您將有機會獲得熔煉值(可用來打造高級神器),更高品質的裝備,甚至是擁有稀有屬性的神器!4. 激情無限的競技場:豐厚的鑽石和聲望獎勵,全服玩家可見的排行榜,讓強者受萬人敬仰的無上榮耀!5. 特色侍從系統:玩家角色在達到15級後可以獲得自己的專屬侍從,侍從會是你強大的幫手。善用他們各自極具意義的招式技能搭配,可以讓您如虎添翼喔!6. 多人團戰系統:在這裡,為令人嫉妒的獎勵,為獨一無二的稱號,為你的榮譽戰鬥吧!。7. 軍團系統:更多志同道合的勇士,軍團特有的商城,更多獨特的軍團玩法,如獵殺泰坦和軍團戰,等你來戰!。8. 強大的聊天系統:軍團聊天系統和世界聊天系統輕鬆切換,讓您暢聊無阻!更多精彩內容,快來《圓桌騎士傳》盡情體驗喲!回報通道:yz.xixigames.comFacebook粉絲專頁:圓桌騎士傳/370559776461976客服郵箱:[email protected]亞瑟王經典RPG, 自動掛機輕鬆玩!
百變漫咖王 0.9.42
Fred Games
《百变漫咖王》是2015年休闲动作卡牌手游扛鼎之作,以其独特的连击系统和别树一帜的斗魂系统获得玩家的肯定与喜爱,集合了玩家喜爱的各种动漫卡通人物,激萌的两头身造型是喜爱动漫的玩家不容错过极致游戏。目前游戏尚属测试版本,可能会对游戏进行临时的维护,维护前我们会在官网和FB粉丝主页贴出公告来声明,请广大玩家留意。如果发现游戏登陆失败请去粉丝页或者官网查看详情。粉丝专页官方网站:ck.xixigames.com客服邮箱:[email protected]官网: www.xixigames.comWeChat公众账号:XiXiGames_WeChat【游戏介绍】《百变漫咖王》是2015年休闲动作卡牌手游扛鼎之作。游戏拥有超带感、超爽快的动作连击,无需高操作、高意识即可体验连贯且华丽的视觉盛宴;并且以收集、养成为核心,是一款与众不同的日式卡通风格的动作格斗游戏。【遊戲特色】游戏具有8大特色:1、 千变万化的战斗连击效果,每一场战斗都极具看点。2、 10大个性武器,衍生出120种武器搭配,每一种搭配即一种职业,武器随时切换,职业随心意变。3、 游戏中可收集我爱罗、汉库克、不知火舞、春丽等等知名人物辅助作战,还可与主角形成炫酷的合击技。4、 擂台、竞技场、试炼等各种竞技玩法,让你力压群雄、崭露头角。5、 武器的组合、佣兵的搭配,战斗过程既简单又充满策略性。每一场战斗都是一次头脑风暴,为你展开无穷的智慧盛宴。6、 数十种风格各异的背部装饰,让你的角色不再单调,凸显你的个性。7、 丰富而简单的制作系统,亲手打造神器,满满都是爱。8、 清新亮丽的画面风格,不刺眼、不疲劳、悠闲享受游戏乐趣。【推荐配置】支持设备:三星、HTC、Sony、小米等品牌和机型操作系统:Android 2.2及以上内存配置:建议1G以上存储空间:推荐预留500MB剩余空间粉丝专页官方网站:ck.xixigames.com客服邮箱:[email protected]官网: www.xixigames.comWeChat公众账号:XiXiGames_WeChat"Variety coffee kingMan"is the 2015 action card hand leisure travel carry the tripod,withits unique combo system and a unique identity of theplayer'sfighting spirit system to obtain the recognition and love,acollection of your favorite players each kinds ofcartooncharacters, stimulated sprouting two favorite cartoon bodyshape isthe ultimate game of the players not to be missed.The game is still a beta version, the game might be atemporarymaintenance, maintenance before we posted a notice in theofficialwebsite and FB fans home to the statement, please note thatthemajority of players. If you find that the game failed loginpleasego to the official website or fan page for details.Fan page: website: ck.xixigames.comCustomer Service Email: [email protected] official website: www.xixigames.comWeChat public account: XiXiGames_WeChat[Game Description]"Variety coffee king Man" is the 2015 action card handleisuretravel carry the tripod. The game has over with a senseofultra-refreshing action batter, no high operation andhighconsciousness can experience coherent and gorgeous visualfeast;and to collect, develop as the core, is a unique Japanesecartoonstyle action fighting game.[Game Features]The game has eight major characteristics:1, the effect of the ever-changing battle batter, every battlearehighly Aspect.2, 10 weapons personality, derived from 120 kinds of weaponsmix,each with a career that, at any time to switch weapons,meaningchange career blossoms.3, the game can be collected Gaara, Hancock, Mai Shiranui,Chun-Li,and so well-known figures auxiliary operations, but also toform ajoint attack skills and cool protagonist.4, ring, arena, athletics trials and other games are played, soyoubeat the pack, emerge.5. The combination of weapons, mercenaries mix process is simpleandfull of fight strategically. Every battle is a brainstormingforyour infinite wisdom unfold feast.6, the back decorated dozens of different styles, so yourcharacteris no longer monotonous, highlight your personality.7, rich and simple production system, built the artifact, is fulloflove.8, fresh and bright visual style, no glare, no fatigue,leisurelyenjoy the game.[Recommended]Support devices: Samsung, HTC, Sony, millet and other brandsandmodelsOperating System: Android 2.2 and aboveMemory configuration: 1G above proposalStorage space: 500MB recommended to reserve free spaceFan page: website: ck.xixigames.comCustomer Service Email: [email protected] official website: www.xixigames.comWeChat public account: XiXiGames_WeChat